Eleven teachers, myself making 12, agreed to work at McDonalds for three hours. Upon arriving at the restaurant we were met by four mangers wearing white shirts and ascots and a variety of McDonalds employees. The next thing we knew, one manager was stationing us in various "zones": register, drive thru, fry maker, McFlurry extraordinaire, cleaning patrol and cookie seller. We were supposed to be given a 30 minute training s
ession, but instead we received a 30 second training session. As soon as we "learned" our new job, we were off and running.

Kim was master fry maker...poor thing, every time I turned around to check on her, she was wiping sweat off her brow.
Heather tried her hand at the register, but was quickly overwhelmed, so she took on the task of McFlurry maker with Luanne.
I was on register...it was later that I found out that the assistant manager was ready to give me a job (I had to decline).
After three hours we were finally done and the managers treated us to a meal. We sat around three tables chowing down on fries, sipping on soda and reminiscing about the afternoon. To be honest...I have a newfound admiration for fast-food workers, but still have no desire to become one myself.
One more item to check off on my non-existent list: "Would you like fries with that?"
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